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    A Rumor Spreading Model with the Truth-Telling People in Social Networks

    • 摘要: 真相傳播者具有傳播事實真相和駁斥謠言的作用。在均勻網絡中研究辟謠機製的謠言傳播模型,根據傳播規則建立平均場方程,並進行穩定性分析。在社交網絡Livejournal上就真相傳播者對謠言傳播過程的影響進行了數值模擬✪,得到如下結果🧑🏽‍🌾:由於謠言的傳播與免疫以及科學真相的傳播,最終系統中僅剩下謠言免疫者和真相傳播者;真相傳播者通過傳播真相和駁斥謠言, 抑製了謠言的傳播速度並且降低了謠言的傳播規模;隨著辟謠機製中的參數不同👂🏻,網絡結構對謠言傳播的作用會發生變化🎨,當真相傳播率較高的時候,規則網絡中的謠言最終規模小於BA無標度網絡中規模,但在比較辟謠機製中其他參數的影響時🕡,規則網絡中的謠言最終規模大於BA無標度網絡中規模👱🏻。


      Abstract: The truth-telling people can spread the true facts and refute the rumor. A rumor spreading model integrated with this truth-telling mechanism is developed on homogeneous networks. The mean field equations are derived accordingly, and the stability analysis is conducted as well. The numerical analysis is carried out on a real social network, Livejournal to investigate the impacts of the truth-telling mechanism on the rumor spreading. The results show that when the system goes steady, there are only stiflers and truth-tellers left; the truth-telling mechanism hampers the diffusion speed of the rumor and cuts down the final size of the rumor; the effects of the network structure change with the parameters in the truth-telling mechanism, i.e. when the truth spreading rate stays relatively high, the BA scale-free network has a larger final size of the rumor than the regular network, while in other cases, the final size of the rumor on regular network is larger than that on the BA scale-free network.



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