

Review of oxidative dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene to styrene

  • 摘要: 綜述了最新的乙苯氧化脫氫文獻🔽。相比於傳統的過熱水蒸氣工藝🧑,乙苯氧化脫氫具有能耗低🚵🏿‍♂️、轉化率不受熱力學限製等優點🧑🏻‍🦱👉🏽。對研究較多的鐵系和釩系催化劑進行了系統的總結和評述🅱️,也對乙苯吸附脫氫催化劑的發展現狀及作用機理等進行評述🚍🤸🏽‍♀️,並重點概括分析了催化劑失活原因及催化劑改性的進展。催化劑失活機製是積炭和活性組分的消散和還原。為了抑製催化劑失活,研究者們主要采用添加助劑,篩選載體🎎,製備方法進行整改等方式提高了催化劑的性能。催化劑尺寸效應對於催化劑活性以及耐久性均有著重要的影響💐🧏🏼‍♂️。最後,對乙苯脫氫催化劑未來的研究方向提出了幾點建議,為進一步的研究提供參考。


    Abstract: Literatures of oxidative dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene were reviewed. Oxidative dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene has the advantages of low energy-cost and unconstraint of thermodynamic equilibrium, compared with the traditional super-hot steam process. The most studied iron oxide and vanadium oxide catalyst were reviewed and commented. State-of-the-art of the oxidative dehydrogenation catalyst and its mechanism of reaction were also summarized. Emphases were focused on the deactivation of the catalysts and its improvements. Deactivation of the catalysts were caused by the coke deposition and reduction of active components. Methods such as, addition of promotors, selection of carriers and optimization of preparation technique were applied to improve its catalytic performance. Size effect of the catalyst also has influenced the catalytic activity and stability. Suggestions were given for the future R&D of this type of catalysts.



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